Crisis text Line– chief medical officer Covers the complimentary service, mental health, therapy and a lot more – Podcast 97

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Today I’m talking with the chief medical officer for The crisis text Line. It’s a complimentary confidential text message service for people in crisis. any individual can text 741 741 in the us or in Canada text 686868 – and services are available 24 hours a day.

There’s been a lot of talk about suicide on social media and in the news with the recent passing of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade. sadly suicide is on the rise in the us – suicide is the 2nd highest cause of death for people age 15 to 24. It’s tragic and if nothing else it gives us an opportunity to talk about it. So… that’s what we’re doing today. I want to share this resource in case you or any individual you know needs it.

Go to for all the show notes …

And because I mention it during the interview I’m going to start off by sharing how I first went to therapy and why I’m so comfortable talking about this stuff.

If you’re new here…

My name is Monica and I started Run eat Repeat over 9 years ago to talk about training for my 1st marathon and weight loss struggles. I fell in love with running and with sharing my story so the site grew into an fantastic community and now this show! check out Run eat for training tips, recipes and random life updates! Bienvenue Bienvenue!!


I talk about going to therapy a lot and I joke about it a lot too. I estimate I’m joking 86% of the time.

But I want to talk about something severe today with covering the topic of self harm, mental health and suicide while trying to make it feel like a normal conversation, ya know? I talk about mental health a lot. I think it’s fine to not feel okay. I think it’s fine to go to therapy. I think it’s fine to be open about mental health problem – just like it must be about an health problem like diabetes or hypothyroidism or a broken bone.

I mention on the call that I went to therapy in college and I wanted to share my first experience – why I went to therapy originally and how I got started going and finding a therapist.

And it occurred to me that while I think it’s amazing to talk about therapy and mental health – not everyone feels like that. maybe someone is embarrassed about it? Or maybe you think therapy isn’t necessary??

So I was curious – why do I think it’s fine to go to therapy?

And I realized because no one ever told me it was weird. and because it was such a normal part of life and conversations with my first long term partner in college. I just realized this! I used to go to Sunday dinners with his family and often they’d talk about therapy like it was another hobby. It wasn’t any different than any other dinner conversation.

So I thought – oh, I must check that out… and I did.

I was in college and still on my mom’s health insurance. I just looked on the back of my insurance card and called the number to see how I could find a therapist.

I went to someone they referred me to, paid my co-pay and had one or two sessions with a female therapist a few cities over.

I didn’t really dig it so I looked for another one and eventually found someone near my part-time job. and I liked her!! and I kept going… (insert long ramblings probably not incredibly valuable or relevant here about therapy)

Moral of the story – I thought all of this was very no big.

So I feel comfortable talking about mental health the same way we might talk about missing a sale on running shoes… or something a lot more serious?

I want everyone to be a lot more comfortable talking about this – which is why I wanted to share the number to the text line and other resources.

And also wanted to remind you that often I joke about severe things – not because I don’t take them seriously, but because to me it’s not very different from the fact that I’m into running or cooking or failing at doing best eyeliner even after 288 tries.

I want to encourage you to be open minded – to everything and everyone.

Être curieux.

Be kind (to yourself as well).

Speak truth in love.

Extend everyone grace that they might be having a hard time, might not know how to express themselves, might not understand how you feel.

Ask for help if you need.

Offrez de l’aide si vous pensez que quelqu’un d’autre le fait.

Ne le prenez pas personnellement si quelqu’un ne veut pas vous parler. Mais offrez-vous d’être là s’ils le font.

Et enfin…

Dites à tout le monde que vous les aimez (et dites-leur d’écouter le podcast Run Eat Repeat).

Merci! Tu es le meilleur!

Passons maintenant à l’événement principal!

Événement principal – Ligne de texte de crise

Aujourd’hui, je parle au médecin-chef avec la ligne de texte de crise, le Dr Shairi Turner.

Le Dr Turner a une maîtrise en santé publique de la Harvard School of Public Health, un doctorat médical de la Case Western Reserve School of Medicine et un baccalauréat ès sciences de Stanford. Elle s’est formée dans le Massachusetts General Healthcare l’établissement et le centre de santé pour enfants de Boston. Avant de prendre son poste actuel, elle a été directrice médicale du Département de la justice pour mineurs de la Floride et ancienne secrétaire adjointe de la santé au Florida Department of Health.

Son curriculum vitae et son plaidoyer sont au-delà de l’impressionnant. Et je suis très ravi de l’avoir dans la série aujourd’hui.

Nous discutons…

Quelle est la ligne de texte de crise?

Pourquoi le suicide est-il en augmentation aux États-Unis?

Le suicide est la 2e cause de décès la plus élevée pour les personnes âgées de 15 à 24 ans… Pourquoi est-ce?

Comment les médias sociaux peuvent-ils avoir un impact sur la santé mentale?

Comment gardons-nous un œil si nous pensons que quelqu’un risque de se blesser?

Que disons-nous ou faisons-nous si nous pensons que quelqu’un que nous connaissons peut être à risque de se blesser?

Demandez toujours – lorsque quelqu’un contacte la ligne de texte de crise, il identifie toujours et demande si quelqu’un pense à se blesser.

Rappel – La ligne de texte est une ressource de crise. Si vous avez besoin de soutien ou de quelqu’un pour parler pour contacter votre centre de santé à l’école, consultez la thérapie ou les ressources de santé mentale, vérifiez vos options d’assurance maladie.

Crise Text Line and Suicide Hot Line Info:

Devoirs et récompenses:

1. Nommez quelque chose qui est incroyable pour vous!

2. Partagez la ligne de texte de crise sur les réseaux sociaux ou quelque part qui peut être transmise et peut-être aider quelqu’un.

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Merci d’avoir écouté et d’avoir une course formidable !!

Envoyez-moi le classeur


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